Archivos mensuales: Dic AM

2 entradas

Timeline April-November 2015

This year we received funding from 3 different sources: «LACNIC’s FRIDA Award»:/article/ganamos-los-premios-frida-2015/, a «SEED Grant by the Open Technology Institute»:/article/community-technology-seed-grant/, and a «Flash Grant from the Shuttleworth Foundation»:/article/shuttleworth-flash-grant/.

Back in March, we outlined a roadmap with the activities we wanted to carry out along the year, and by combining the grants we managed to exceed our expectations! So here’s a quick retrospective on what was accomplished.

Community Networks Reunion in Brasil

The meeting was in Visconde de Mauá, in a house surrounded by beautiful nature called Nuvem – Estação Rural de Arte e Tecnología. A rural hack lab where various people from different countries traveled to meet each other. What all these groups had in common is their work in community based information technologies in terms of WiFi networks and GSM networks all over the world.AlterMundi was taking part in this meeting, and got the chance to see how the FumaçaOnline […]