LimeApp is a pre-installed web application on the LibreRouter. It is a free software project in constant development, growthand improvements.
One of its objectivesis to bring friendly and accessible tools to self-manage and co-create bits and pieces of internet building CommunityNetworks.
It allows to measure, diagnose and managea Community Network, its nodes andlinks without internet connections.
It allows to measure, diagnose and managea Community Network, its nodes andlinks without internet connections.
Limeapp is available on every node of the Community Network as part of the LibreRouterOS operative system. It doesn`t need any internet connection nor an additional device to be used as it is locally in each node.
A complete tour of all available screens and tools with tutorials and videos.
A step-by-step tutorial with recommendations and steps to align the antennas of a LibreRouter using LimeApp 1.4
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